8,435 pairs of socks went to those in need in the Las Vegas Valley and Washington state. Locally, the recipients were The Women’s Resource Center, Safe House, 3 Square, Poverello House, Child Haven and WestCare Healthy Families.
In Washington, Tri-City Mission received socks via John and Kathy Corbin. We have several thank you’s to go out! Again, we thank Dr. and Mrs. Lasiter for their continued support as well as Dr. Derrek Yeltin. Mr. Mike Bauder and the 5th graders at Derfelt Elementary School were amazing AGAIN!
We also received local support from Ted Weins and from Curves on Ft. Apache and Flamingo. Jenelle Moreno at The Gap at Fashion Show Mall helped me run several events to collect socks throughout the year. Mrs. Donna Aldred, we thank you for your large contribution. Jeanne and George Degrella, we say thank you for your ongoing support of our project.
To Patrick Devine, who always finds the joy in helping me buy and sort and box thousands of socks every single year since you were old enough to help! We thank everyone who made any type of difference this year, from those of you who donated checks and cash to friends around the country who mailed socks to Las Vegas, we cannot do what we do without your support.
Mr. Douglas Simms, thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to be a part of this year after year.
Now, the planning for 2012-2013 begins….